Wednesday, December 24, 2008

then he smiled at me

Merry Merry Merry Christmas!!
Gus is trying to ruin Christmas by being the smelliest dog in the universe. He has no reason to look so sad.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

buzz, buzz, buzz

Today was a good day in class.  I love looking at other people's photographs.  I can do it for hours and hours.

  Then I came across this quote.  I've been thinking about it all day.
Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing. - Salvador Dali 

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

there's a hole where something was

I'm getting used to this city again.

Friday, December 5, 2008

sun shine, sunshine on me

In the past few weeks I've been awake for way too many sunrises.

Yet I managed to catch only one sunset.

This means I'm really, incredibly tired.  

But I have to say how much I've missed New York.  Before the plane even landed, I was looking at Manhattan from way above and thinking How did I ever have the strength to leave you the first time? 
Before I even got out of the car I was feeling like I'd never left.  How easy it would be to just slip back and live a big life there again.